Are you thinking about doing a juice cleanse? Over the years, it has become increasingly popular among those looking to make healthy changes in their life.
It involves replacing solid food with only juices from vegetables and fruits to flush your body with nutrients and get rid of all the toxins and health-compromising processed substances such as sugar and refined oil built through excessive eating, drinking, and a lack of exercise.
How Does a Juice Cleanse Work?
Juice cleanses involve the consumption of only vegetable and fruit juices for a certain period. Typically, it ranges from 3 to 10 days. If you simply need to reset your metabolism, a short cleanser may be all you need. However, if you are living with a high toxic load, you may require a longer juice cleanse.
Having said that, doing a juice fast for a longer period of time can increase the likelihood of experiencing headaches, fatigue, moodiness, hunger pang, and stomach ache. So please listen to your body and conduct the fast responsibly.
Furthermore, it’s essential to remember that during the process, the results are only effective if you have cold-pressed juice, as opposed to blended or pasteurized. This is because cold-press juice yields a vastly increased percentage of pure juice with little insoluble fibre, making the nutrients more readily available for absorption by your body.
What are the Benefits of a Juice Cleanse?
Juicing extracts the minerals and vitamins from fruits and vegetables, making them more accessible for the body to digest.
The significant benefits that you can expect from a cleanse include:
- Helping with weight loss
- Increasing energy
- Repairs damaged tissues
- Clearer and smoother skin
- Improved digestion
- Improved immunity
- Boosting hydration
- Reducing Inflammation
- Clarity of Mind
How do you go about Juicing the Fruits and Vegetables?
Juicing fruits and vegetables can be a very messy and time-consuming process. But if you are a do it yourself kind of person, ultimately:
- You’ll need to have a high-quality juicer and preferably a cold-pressed juicer so that the maximum amount of nutrients can be retained during the juicing process
- Once you’ve set your goal, it’s time to research the ideal composition of each juice. From there, you’ll need to source and buy the fruits, vegetables and additional ingredients
Remember, it’s essential to source the freshest fruits and vegetables possible and refrigerate them well to increase their lifespan.
- Next, set aside time to make your juice. Remember, most juices have a shelf life of only three days before they deteriorate, so it’s best not to prepare too much beforehand.
- Wash, peel, prepare and cut the fruits and vegetables needed and put the waste in your wet waste or compost bag.
- Then clean up all the mess before you enjoy the spoils of your first juice.
Does this sound like too much time, effort and mess? Don’t be discouraged. Nectar Cold Pressed is here to help.
We have a healthy and tasty range of cold-pressed juices for your next cleanse so that you can enjoy all of the benefits of a juice cleanse without the stress and mess. And the best part? Our juices have a shelf life of 90 days, which means that you can stock up in advance to ensure you never run short.
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Alternatively, if you want to discuss our sister company Synergy Food Group
contract manufacturing cold pressed juice for your own brand or company,